“the credit belongs to the one who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood…”

People want to trust their leaders. Leaders that deliver. Leaders that care. Care about others. Take care of yourself. Stand for something. Speak up. No BS. No self-promotion. No self-aggrandizement. Be vulnerable. Be proud of humility. Be the leader you wish you had. Follow with pride. Speak truth to power. Listen to spoken truths. Know fear. Find your path. Stumble. Forge ahead. See value in everyone and lead them to their highest and best use. Do well by doing good. Be great. Give hope. Be hopeful. Inspire. Find humour in adversity. Give credit. Take blame. Make the tough calls. Be kind. Dote but be decisive. Mission first. People always. Lead with compassion. Seek first to understand. Live a life of purpose. Deeds not just words. Have the courage to try, fail and to start again. Listen. Make the world better. Because you can. Be a leader worthy of the title.